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Yoga in Reykjavík

Wellness and self-care are important parts of Icelandic culture. In a country of biting winds, frequent blizzards, and rain from every direction, Icelanders strive to stay healthy and happy. If you would like to rejuvenate whilst visiting the city, going to a local yoga class can help release stress and strain

Yoga shala

The yoga center Yoga Shala Reykjavík was founded in 2005 by Ingibjörg Stefánsdóttir, a yoga teach

Reykjavik yoga

Reykjavík Yoga offers English-speaking yoga classes in the centre of the city.

Yoga Center

The Yoga Center, located in Skipholt 50C, is a venue for yoga for all age groups.


Yogavin is a true friend in the capital area where yoga is offered for all ages.

Art of yoga

We are a warm and quiet yoga center in the heart of Reykjavík.

Yoga líf

Yoga Life offers a variety of yoga and Pilates classes in a cozy atmosphere.


Sólar Jógastúdíó offers a variety of yoga classes, courses, counseling, energy work (KAP), worksh


Ljosheimar is a spiritual center for the body mind and soul.
